Community Area Maps
(includes cities, towns, villages, neighborhoods, unincorporated areas, military bases, more)

Acton 56243
Ada 56510
Adams 55909
Adolph 55810
Adrian 56110
Afton 55001
Ah-Gwah-Ching 56430
Airlie 56164
Aitkin 56431
Akeley 56433
Albany 56307
Albert Lea 56007
Alberta 56207
Albertville 55301
Albion Center 55302
Alborn 55702
Albright 55349
Alden 56009
Alder 56657
Aldrich 56434
Alexandria 56308
Alger 55616
Alida 56676
Alma City 56048
Almelund 55002
Almora 57551
Alpha 56111
Altura 55910
Alvarado 56710
Alvwood 56630
Amboy 56010
Amherst 55949
Amiret 56175
Amor 56515
Andover 55304
Andree 55006
Andyville 55912
Angle Inlet 56711
Angora 55703
Angus 56762
Annandale 55302
Anoka 55303
Antlers Park 55044
Apple Valley 55124
Appleton 56208
Arago 56470
Arco 56113
Arcola 55082
Arden Hills 55112
Arendahl 55962
Argonne 55044
Argyle 56713
Arlington 55307
Armatage [Minneapolis nbhd]
Armstrong 56007
Arnold 55803
Arthyde 56350
Artichoke 56227
Asbury 56260
Ash Creek 56173
Ash Lake 55771
Ash River
Ashby 56309
Askov 55704
Assumption 55338
Athens 55040
Atkinson 55718
Atwater 56209
Audubon 56511
Audubon Park [Minneapolis nbhd]
Aurora 55705
Austin 55912
Automba 55757
Averill 56547
Avoca 56114
Avon 56310
Babbitt 55706
Backus 56435
Badger 56714
Badoura 56467
Bagley 56621
Bailey 55330
Baker 56580
Balaton 56115
Bald Lake [White Bear Lake nbhd] 55110
Ball Bluff 55784
Balsam 55787
Bancroft (Freeborn Co) 56007
Bancroft [Minneapolis nbhd]
Barnesville 56514
Barnum 55707
Barrett 56311
Barrows 56401
Barry 56210
Bartlett 55779
Bass Brook 55721
Bass Lake (Itasca Co) 56659
Bassett 55602
Basswood 56576
Bath 56042
Battle Creek [St. Paul nbhd]
Battle Lake 56515
Baudette 56623
Baxter 56425
Bay Lake 56444
Bayport 55003
Baytown 55003
Bayview 56359
Bayview Heights [Duluth nbhd]
Bear River 55723
Beardsley 56211
Beauford 56037
Beaulieu 57557
Beaver 55910
Beaver Bay 55601
Beaver Creek 56116
Beaver Falls 56270
Becida 56678
Becker 55308
Beckville 55355
Bee 55974
Bejou 56516
Belgrade 56312
Bellaire 55110
Belle Creek 55027
Belle Plaine 56011
Belle River 56319
Bellechester 55027
Bellingham 56212
Beltrami 56517
Beltrami [Minneapolis nbhd]
Belvidere Mills 55027
Belview 56214
Bemidji 56601
Bena 56626
Benedict 56436
Bengal 55746
Bennettville 56431
Benoit 56716
Benson 56215
Bergen 56101
Bergville 56661
Bernadotte 56054
Berne 55985
Berner 56644
Beroun 55063
Bertha 56437
Bethany 55910
Bethel 55005
Big Bend City 56262
Big Falls 56627
Big Lake 55309
Big Stone Colony 56240
Big Woods 56744
Bigelow 56117
Bigfork 56628
Bingham Lake 56118
Birch Beach 56686
Birchcrest [Edina nbhd] 436
Birchdale 56629
Birchwood Village 55110
Bird Island 55310
Biscay 55336
Biwabik 55708
Bixby 55917
Black Hammer 55874
Blackberry 55744
Blackduck 56630
Blackhoof 55797
Blaine 55449
Blakeley 56011
Blomford 55008
Blomkest 56216
Blooming Prairie 55917
Bloomington 55431
Blue Earth 56013
Blue Grass 56477
Bluffton 56518
Bock 56313
Boisberg 56296
Bombay 55946
Bonanza Grove 56225
Border 56623
Borup 56519
Bottineau [Minneapolis nbhd]
Bovey 55709
Bowlus 56314
Bowstring 56631
Boy River 56672
Boyd 56218
Bradford 55008
Braham 55006
Brainerd 56401
Bramble 55771
Brandon 56315
Bratsberg 55971
Breckenridge 56520
Breezy Point 56472
Brennyville 56329
Brevik 56755
Brewster 56119
Bricelyn 56014
Bridgeman 56473
Briggs Lake 55319
Brimson 55602
Bristol 55939
Britt 55710
Brook Park 55007
Brooklyn Center 55430
Brooklyn Park 55433
Brooks 56715
Brookston 55711
Brooten 56316
Browerville 56438
Browns Valley 56219
Brownsdale 55918
Brownsville 55919
Brownton 55312
Bruce 56138
Bruno 55712
Brunswick 55006
Brush Creek 56014
Brushvale 56520
Bryant [Minneapolis nbhd]
Bryn Mawr [Minneapolis nbhd]
Buckman 56317
Buffalo 55313
Buffalo Lake 55314
Buhl 55713
Bunde 56222
Burchard 56115
Burnett 55779
Burnsville 55337
Burntside 55731
Burtrum 56318
Butler 56567
Butterfield 56120
Buyck 55771
Bygland 56723
Byron 55920
Cable 56304
Cahill Village [Edina nbhd] 439
Caledonia 55921
Callaway 56521
Calumet 55716
Cambria 56055
Cambridge 55008
Camp Lacupolis 55041
Camp Ripley 56345
Campbell 56522
Canal Park [Duluth nbhd]
Canby 56220
Cannon City 55021
Cannon Falls 55009
Canton 55922
Canyon 55717
Caribou 56735
Carimona 55965
Carlisle 56537
Carlos 56319
Carlton 55718
Carmody 55017
Carp 56623
Carver 55315
Casey 55324
Casino 56473
Casperson 56761
Cass Lake 56633
Castle Danger 55616
Castle Rock 55010
Cazenovia 56164
Cedar 55011
Cedar East Bethel 55011
Cedar Isles-Dean [Minneapolis nbhd]
Cedar Lake 55088
Cedar Mills 55350
Cedar-Riverside [Minneapolis nbhd]
Celina 55723
Center City 55012
Centerville 55038
Centerville (Winona Co) 55987
Central (Koochiching Co) 56623
Central [Minneapolis nbhd]
Central Hillside [Duluth nbhd]
Central Lakes 55724
Cerro Gordo 56256
Ceylon 56121
Chamberlain 56433
Champlin 55316
Chandler 56122
Chanhassen 55317
Charlesville 56274
Chaska 55318
Chatfield 55923
Cherry 55751
Cherry Grove 55975
Chester 55904
Chester Park-UMD [Duluth nbhd]
Chickamaw Beach 56474
Childs 56296
Chippewa City 55604
Chisago City 55013
Chisholm 55719
Chokio 56221
Churchill (Chippewa Co) 56295
Churchill (Renville Co) 55342
Circle Pines 55014
Cisco 56535
Clara City 56222
Claremont 55924
Clarissa 56440
Clarkfield 56223
Clarks Grove 56016
Clear Lake 55319
Clearbrook 56634
Clearwater 55320
Clements 56224
Clementson 56623
Cleveland 56017
Cleveland [Minneapolis nbhd]
Climax 56523
Clinton 56225
Clinton Falls 55060
Clitherall 56524
Clontarf 56226
Cloquet 55720
Clover 56652
Clover Valley 55804
Cloverdale 55037
Cloverton 55072
Clyde 55979
Coates 55068
Cobden 56085
Cody [Duluth nbhd]
Cohasset 55721
Coin 55006
Cokato 55321
Cold Spring 56320
Coleraine 55722
Collegeville 56321
Collis 56236
Cologne 55322
Columbia Heights 55421
Columbia Park [Minneapolis nbhd]
Columbus 55025
Comfrey 56019
Como [Minneapolis nbhd]
Como Park [St. Paul nbhd]
Comstock 56525
Comway [St. Paul nbhd]
Concord 55985
Coney Island [Waconia Twp) 55387
Congdon Park [Duluth nbhd]
Conger 56020
Constance [Andover nbhd] 55304
Cook 55723
Cooley 55769
Coon Rapids 55433
Cooper [Minneapolis nbhd]
Copas 55073
Corcoran 55340
Corcoran [Minneapolis nbhd]
Cordova 56057
Cormorant 56572
Corona 55726
Correll 56227
Corvuso 55355
Cosmos 56228
Cottage Grove 55016
Cotton 55724
Cottonwood 56229
Courtland 56021
Cove 56359
Covill 55604
Craigville 56639
Cramer 55603
Crane Lake 55725
Cresson 56170
Croftville 55604
Cromwell 55726
Crookston 56716
Crosby 56441
Crosby Beach 56444
Crosslake 56442
Crow Wing 56401
Crown 55070
Crown College 55387
Crystal 55422
Crystal Bay 55323
Culver 55779
Cummingsville 55923
Current Lake 56115
Currie 56123
Cushing 56443
Cusson 55771
Cutler 56431
Cuyuna 56444
Cyrus 56323
Dahlgren 55318
Dakomin 56211
Dakota 55925
Dakota Junction 56701
Dalbo 55017
Dale 56549
Dalton 56324
Danube 56230
Danvers 56231
Darfur 56022
Darwin 55324
Dassel 55325
Davidson 56723
Dawson 56232
Day 55006
Dayton 55327
Dayton's Bluff [St. Paul nbhd]
De Graff 56271
Deephaven 55391
Deer Creek 56527
Deer River 56636
Deerfield 56093
Deerwood 56444
Delano 55328
Delavan 56023
Delft 56101
Delhi 56283
Dellwood 55110
Denfeld [Duluth nbhd]
Dennison 55018
Dent 56528
Detroit Lakes 56501
Dewey Hill [Edina nbhd] 439
Dexter 55926
Diamond Lake [Minneapolis nbhd]
Dilworth 56529
Dinkytown [Minneapolis nbhd]
Dodge Center 55927
Donaldson 56720
Donehower 55987
Donnelly 56235
Dora Lake 56661
Doran 56522
Dorothy 56750
Dorset 56470
Dotson 56087
Douglas (Olmsted Co) 55960
Dover 55929
Dovray 56125
Downer 56514
Dresbach 55947
Duelm 56329
Duesler 55707
Dugdale 56736
Duluth 55802
Duluth Heights [Duluth nbhd]
Dumfries 55981
Dumont 56236
Dunbar 56630
Dundas 55019
Dundee 56131
Dunnell 56127
Dunvilla 56572
Duquette 55712
Duxbury 55072
Eagan 55122
Eagle Bend 56446
Eagle Lake 56024
Eagles Nest 55731
East Abercrombie
East Bde Maka Ska [Minneapolis nbhd] 55408
East Beaver Bay 55614
East Bethel 55011
East Chain 56031
East Drayton
East Elkton
East End-Endion [Duluth nbhd]
East Fairmount
East Garretson
East Gary
East Grand Forks 56721
East Gull Lake 56401
East Harriet [Minneapolis nbhd]
East Hillside [Duluth nbhd]
East Isles [Minneapolis nbhd]
East Lake 55760
East Phillips [Minneapolis nbhd]
East Valley Springs
Easton 56025
Eastview [St. Paul nbhd]
Eat Street [Minneapolis nbhd]
Ebro 56621
Echo 56237
Echols 56081
Eden Prairie 55344
Eden Valley 55329
Edgerton 56128
Edgewood 55008
Edina 55424
Edwards 56534
Effie 56639
Eggleston 55089
Eitzen 55931
Elba 55910
Elbow Lake 56589
Eldes Corner 55810
Eldred 56523
Elgin 55932
Elizabeth 56533
Elk River 55330
Elko-New Market 55054
Elkton 55933
Ellendale 56026
Elliot Park [Minneapolis nbhd]
Ellis 56466
Ellson 55735
Ellsworth 56129
Elm Park 55080
Elmdale 56314
Elmer 55765
Elmore 56027
Elmwood [St. Louis Park]
Elrosa 56325
Ely 55731
Elysian 56028
Embarrass 55732
Emily 56447
Emmaville 56470
Emmons 56029
Enfield 55362
Englund 56758
Erdahl 56531
Erhard 56534
Ericcson [Minneapolis nbhd]
Ericsburg 56669
Erie 56725
Erskine 56535
Esko 55733
Espelle 56727
Essig 56073
Esterdy 56466
Estes Brook 56353
Etna 55975
Etter 55089
Euclid 56722
Evan 56266
Evansville 56326
Eveleth 55734
Everdell 56543
Evergreen 56544
Excelsior 55331
Eyota 55934
Fairbanks 55602
Fairfax 55332
Fairfield 56249
Fairmont 56031
Fairmount [Duluth nbhd]
Faith 56584
Falcon Heights 55113
Fall Lake 55796
Faribault 55021
Farming 56368
Farmington 55024
Farris 56633
Farwell 56327
Faunce 56686
Fayal 55734
Federal Dam 56641
Felton 56536
Fergus Falls 56537
Fernando 55385
Fertile 56540
Field [Minneapolis nbhd]
Fifty Lakes 56448
Fillmore 55990
Finkle [Moorhead nbhd] 56560
Finland 55603
Finlayson 55735
Fish Lake 56101
Fisher 56723
Five Points 56374
Flensburg 56328
Flom 56541
Floodwood 55736
Florence 56170
Florenton 55792
Florian 56757
Foley 56329
Folwell [Minneapolis nbhd]
Fond du Lac [Duluth nbhd]
Forada 56308
Forbes 55738
Forest City 55355
Forest Grove 56660
Forest Lake 55025
Foreston 56330
Fort Ripley 56449
Fosston 56542
Fossum 56584
Foster 56225
Fountain 55935
Four Corners 55811
Fox 56751
Fox Lake 56181
Foxhome 56543
Franconia 55074
Franklin 55333
Frazee 56544
Fredenberg 55803
Freeborn 56032
Freeburg 55921
Freedhem 56545
Freeman 56723
Freeport 56331
Fremont 55979
French Lake 55302
French River 55804
Fridley 55432
Friesland 55037
Frogtown [St. Paul nbhd]
Frontenac 55026
Frontier 56623
Frost 56033
Fruitville 56329
Fulda 56131
Fulton [Minneapolis nbhd]
Funkley 56630
Garden City 56034
Garfield 56332
Garnes 56742
Garrison 56450
Garvin 56132
Gary 56545
Gary-New Duluth [Duluth nbhd]
Gates Corner (Beltrami Co) 56727
Gates Corner (Koochiching Co) 56627
Gatzke 56724
Gaylord 55334
Gem Lake 55110
Gemmell 56660
Geneva 56035
Genoa 55920
Genola 56364
Gentilly 56716
Georgetown 56546
Georgeville 56312
Gheen 55771
Gheen Corner 55771
Ghent 56239
Gibbon 55335
Giese 55735
Gilbert 55741
Gilfillan 56266
Gilman 56333
Girard 56716
Glen 56431
Glen Lake [Minnetonka nbhd]
Glencoe 55336
Glendale (St Louis Co) 55771
Glendorado 55371
Glenville 56036
Glenwood 56334
Glory 56431
Gluek 56260
Glyndon 56547
Godahl 56081
Golden Valley 55427
Gonvick 56644
Good Thunder 56037
Goodhue 55027
Goodland 55742
Goodridge 56725
Goodview 55959
Gordonsville 56036
Gowan 55736
Gracelock 56265
Graceton 56686
Graceville 56240
Graff 56472
Granada 56039
Grand Falls 56627
Grand Lake 55779
Grand Marais 55604
Grand Meadow 55936
Grand Portage 56605
Grand Rapids 55744
Grandy 55029
Granger 55939
Granite Falls 56241
Grant 55082
Grass Lake 55006
Grasston 55030
Grayling 55760
Greaney 55771
Greater East Side [St. Paul nbhd]
Greeley 55006
Green Isle 55338
Green Valley 56258
Greenbush 56726
Greenfield 55373
Greenland 56028
Greenleaf 55355
Greenleafton 55965
Greenwald 56335
Greenwood 55331
Gregory 56345
Grey Cloud Island 55071
Grey Eagle 56336
Groningen 55072
Grove City 56243
Grove Lake 56334
Groveland [Minnetonka nbhd] 55345
Grygla 56727
Guckeen 56013
Gully 56646
Guthrie 56461
Hackensack 56452
Hackett 56623
Hader 55992
Hadler 56510
Hadley 56151
Hagan 56262
Hale [Minneapolis nbhd]
Hallock 56728
Halma 56729
Halstad 56548
Ham Lake 55304
Hamburg 55339
Hamel 55340
Hamline-Midway [St. Paul nbhd]
Hammond 55991
Hampton 55031
Hancock 56244
Hanley Falls 56245
Hanover 55341
Hanska 56041
Harding 56364
Hardwick 56134
Harmony 55939
Harnell Park 55779
Harney 55733
Harris 55032
Harrison [Minneapolis nbhd]
Hart 55952
Hartland 56042
Hassman 56431
Hastings 55033
Hasty 55320
Hatfield 56128
Haug 56726
Havana 55060
Hawick 56273
Hawley 56549
Hawthorne [Minneapolis nbhd]
Hay Creek 55066
Haydenville 56256
Hayfield 55940
Haypoint 55748
Hayward 56043
Hazel 56754
Hazel Run 56241
Hazelton 55360
Hazelwood 55088
Heatwole 55350
Hector 55342
Heiberg 56584
Heidelberg 56071
Helena 55352
Henderson 56044
Henderson Station 56044
Hendricks 56136
Hendrum 57550
Henning 57551
Henriette 55036
Henrytown 55939
Herman 56248
Hermantown 55811
Heron Lake 56137
Hewitt 56453
Hiawatha [Minneapolis nbhd]
Hibbing 55746
High Forest 55976
Highland 55116
Highland (Fillmore Co) 55949
Highland (Lake Co) 55616
Highland (Wright Co) 55349
Highland Park [St. Paul nbhd] 55116
Highlands [Edina nbhd] 55436
Highwood [St. Paul nbhd]
Hill City 55748
Hilldale [Edina nbhd] 436
Hillman 56338
Hills 56138
Hilltop 55421
Hillview 56477
Hinckley 55037
Hines 56647
Hitterdal 57552
Hoffman 56339
Hokah 55941
Holdingford 56340
Holland 56139
Holland [Minneapolis nbhd]
Hollandale 56045
Holloway 56249
Hollywood 55367
Holman 55709
Holmes City 56341
Holst 56652
Holt 56738
Holyoke 55749
Homer 55942
Hope 56046
Hopkins 55343
Horton 56464
Houpt 56630
Houston 55943
Hovland 55606
Howard Lake 55349
Howe [Minneapolis nbhd]
Hoyt Lakes 55750
Hubbard 55038
Hugo 56731
Hunters Park [Duluth nbhd]
Huntersville 56464
Huntley 56047
Huot 56716
Hutchinson 55350
Ideal Corners 56472
Idington 55703
Ihlen 56140
Illgen City 55614
Imogene 56039
Independence 55359
Independence (St. Louis Co) 55779
Indian Hills [Edina nbhd] 439
Indus 56623
Inez 56630
Inger 56636
Inglewood 56515
Inguadona 56755
Interlachen [Edina nbhd] 436
International Falls 56755
Inver Grove Heights 55077
Iona 56141
Iron 55751
Iron Junction 55751
Ironton 56455
Irving [Duluth nbhd]
Isabella 55607
Isanti 55040
Island Lake (Beltrami Co) 56576
Island Lake (St. Louis Co) 55803
Island View 56649
Isle 56342
Ivanhoe 56142
Iverson 55720
Jackson 56143
Jacobs Prairie 56320
Jacobson 55793
Jakeville 56329
Jameson 56649
Janesville 56048
Jasper 56144
Jeffers 56145
Jefferson 55921
Jenkins 56474
Jennie 55325
Jessenland 56044
Jessie Lake 56637
Johnsburg 55909
Johnson 56236
Jordan 55352
Jordan [Minneapolis nbhd]
Judson 56055
Kabektona 56458
Kabetogama 56669
Kanaranzi 56146
Kandiyohi 56251
Karlstad 56732
Kasota 56050
Kasson 55944
Keenan 55738
Keewatin 55753
Keewaydin [Minneapolis nbhd]
Kelliher 56650
Kellogg 55945
Kelly Lake 55746
Kelsey 55724
Kennedy 56733
Kenneth 56147
Kenny [Minneapolis nbhd]
Kensington 56343
Kent 57553
Kenwood [Duluth nbhd] 55811
Kenwood [Minneapolis nbhd]
Kenyon 55946
Kerkhoven 56252
Kerrick 55756
Kettle River 55757
Kevin 55775
Key West 56721
Kiester 56051
Kilkenny 56052
Kimball 55353
Kimberly 56431
Kinbrae 56131
King Field [Minneapolis nbhd]
Kingsdale 55072
Kingston 55325
Kinney 55758
Kitzville 55746
Klondyke 56455
Klossner 56073
Knapp 55321
Knife River 55609
Kost 55056
Kragnes 56560
Kroschel 55037
La Crescent 55947
La Prairie 55744
La Salle 56056
Lac qui Parle 56265
Lafayette 56054
Lagoona Beach 56278
Lake Benton 56149
Lake Bronson 56734
Lake City 55041
Lake Crystal 56055
Lake Elmo 55042
Lake Elysian 56048
Lake Eunice 56501
Lake George 56458
Lake Henry 56362
Lake Hubert 56459
Lake Itasca 56470
Lake Lena 55037
Lake Lillian 56253
Lake Park 57554
Lake Shore 56468
Lake St Croix Beach 55043
Lake Wilson 56151
Lakefield 56150
Lakeland 55043
Lakeland Shores 55043
Lakes, The
Lakeside-Lester Park [Duluth nbhd]
Lakeville 55044
Lamberton 56152
Lamoille 55987
Lamson 55325
Lancaster 56735
Landfall Village 55128
Lanesboro 55949
Langor 56630
Lansing 55950
Laporte 56461
Larsmont 55616
Lastrup 56344
Lauderdale 55113
Lavinia 56601
Lawler 55760
Lawndale 56579
Lax Lake 55614
Le Center 56057
Le Roy 55951
Le Sueur 56058
Leader 56466
Leaf River 56479
Leaf Valley 56332
Leander 55723
Leavenworth 56085
Leech Lake 56484
Leetonia 55746
Legionville 56401
Lemond 56026
Lengby 56651
Lennox 56401
Lenora 55922
Leo 56726
Leonard 56652
Leonidas 55734
Leota 56153
Lester Prairie 55354
Lewis Lake 55051
Lewiston 55952
Lewisville 56060
Lexington 55014
Lexington (Le Seuer Co) 56057
Libby 55760
Lilydale 55118
Lime Creek 56131
Lincoln 56443
Lincoln Park [Duluth nbhd]
Lind-Bohanon [Minneapolis nbhd]
Linden 56041
Linden Grove 55723
Linden Hills [Minneapolis nbhd]
Lindford 56653
Lindstrom 55045
Lino Lakes 55014
Linwood 55092
Lismore 56155
Litchfield 55355
Litomysl 55060
Little Canada 55117
Little Chicago 55057
Little Falls 56345
Little Marais 55614
Little Pine 56447
Little Rock 56676
Little Rock (Morrison Co) 56373
Little Sauk 56360
Little Swan 55746
Littlefork 56653
Lockhart 56510
Loerch 56401
Logan Park [Minneapolis nbhd]
Loman 56654
London 56036
Long Beach 56334
Long Lake 55356
Long Point 56686
Long Prairie 56347
Longfellow [Minneapolis nbhd]
Longville 56755
Longworth 56763
Lonsdale 55046
Loretto 55357
Loring Park [Minneapolis nbhd]
Louisburg 56256
Louriston 56271
Lowry 56349
Lowry Hill [Minneapolis nbhd]
Lowry Hill East [Minneapolis nbhd]
Lowville 56151
Lucan 56255
Luce 56573
Lude 56686
Luna 56762
Lutsen 55612
Luverne 56156
Lyle 55953
Lyman 56527
Lynd 56157
Lyndale [Minneapolis nbhd]
Lynnhurst [Minneapolis nbhd]
Mabel 55954
Macalester-Groveland [St. Paul nbhd]
Madelia 56062
Madison 56256
Madison Lake 56063
Mae 56662
Magnolia 56158
Mahkonce 56557
Mahnomen 57557
Mahtomedi 55115
Mahtowa 55707
Makinen 55763
Mallory 56721
Malmo 56431
Malung 56751
Manannah 56243
Manchester 56007
Maney 55702
Manganese 56441
Manhattan Beach 56442
Manitoba Junction 56549
Manitou 56623
Mankato 56001
Manley 56116
Mansfield 56009
Mantorville 55955
Maple 55603
Maple Bay 56736
Maple Grove 55369
Maple Hill 55359
Maple Island (Freeborn Co) 56045
Maple Island (Washington Co) 55047
Maple Lake 55358
Maple Plain 55359
Maple Springs 55041
Mapleton 56065
Mapleview 55912
Maplewood 55109
Marble 55764
Marcell 56657
March 56762
Marcy-Holmes [Minneapolis nbhd]
Margie 56658
Marietta 56257
Marine on St Croix 55047
Marion 55904
Markham 55763
Markville 55072
Marshall 56258
Marshall Terrace [Minneapolis nbhd]
Martin 55709
Martin Lake 55079
Marty 55353
Marystown 55379
Mavie 56725
Max 56659
Mayer 55360
Mayhew 56379
Maynard 56260
Mazeppa 55956
McCauleyville 56553
McComber 55731
McGrath 56350
McGregor 55760
McIntosh 57556
McKinley 55741
McKinley [Minneapolis nbhd]
McNair 55616
Meadow Brook 55723
Meadowlands 55765
Medford 55049
Medicine Lake 55441
Medina 55340
Meire Grove 56352
Melby 56326
Melrose 56352
Melrude 55766
Menahga 56464
Mendota 55150
Mendota Heights 55118
Mentor 56736
Meriden 56093
Merrifield 56465
Merton 55060
Mesaba 55750
Middle River 56737
Midtown Phillips [Minneapolis nbhd]
Midway (Becker Co) 56464
Midway (St Louis Co)
Midway (Wadena Co) 56464
Miesville 55009
Milaca 56353
Milan 56262
Mildred 56435
Millerville 56315
Millville 55957
Miloma 56137
Milroy 56263
Miltona 56354
Mineral Center 55605
Minerva 56621
Minneapolis 55415
Minnehaha [Minneapolis nbhd]
Minneiska 55910
Minneota 56264
Minnesota City 55959
Minnesota Lake 56068
Minnetonka 55345
Minnetonka Beach 55391
Minnetonka Mills 55305
Minnetrista 55364
Minnewawa 55760
Mission 56441
Mission Creek 55037
Mizpah 56660
Moland 55946
Money Creek 55943
Montevideo 56265
Montgomery 56069
Monticello 55362
Montrose 55363
Moorhead 56561
Moose Lake 55767
Mora 55051
Morgan 56266
Morgan Park 55808
Morley Heights-Parkview [Duluth nbhd]
Morningside [Edina nbhd]
Morrill 50373
Morris 56267
Morris Park [Minneapolis nbhd]
Morristown 55052
Morton 56270
Moscow 55912
Motley 56466
Mound 55364
Mounds View 55112
Mountain Iron 55768
Mountain Lake 56159
Munger 55720
Murdock 56271
Murphy City 55603
Muskoda 56549
Myrtle 56036
Nary 56601
Nashua 56565
Nashwauk 55769
Nassau 56257
Navarre 55392
Naytahwaush 56566
Near North [Minneapolis nbhd]
Nebish 56667
Nelson 56355
Nemadji 55707
Nerstrand 55053
Nett Lake 55771
Nevis 56467
New Auburn 55366
New Brighton 55112
New Germany 55367
New Hartford 55943
New Hope 55428
New London 56273
New Market 55054
New Munich 56356
New Prague 56071
New Richland 56072
New Scandia 55073
New Sweden 56074
New Trier 55031
New Ulm 56073
New York Mills 56567
Newburg 55954
Newfolden 56738
Newport 55055
Nichols 56431
Nickerson 55756
Nicollet 56074
Nicollet Island-East Bank [Minneapolis nbhd]
Nicolville 55912
Nielsville 56568
Nimrod 56478
Nirvana 56588
Nisswa 56468
Nodine 55925
Norcross 56274
Normania 56229
Norseland 56082
North Benton 56329
North Branch 55056
North Burr Oak
North Chester
North End [St. Paul nbhd]
North Estherville
North Lester
North Loop [Minneapolis nbhd]
North Mankato 56003
North New Albin
North Oaks 55127
North Prairie 56314
North Rake
North Rock Rapids
North Shore (Todd Co) 56336
North Shore [Duluth nbhd]
North Spirit Lake
North St. Paul 55109
Northcote 56728
Northeast Park [Minneapolis nbhd]
Northfield 55057
Northome 56661
Northrop 56075
Northrop [Minneapolis nbhd] 55406
Norway Lake 56273
Norwegian Grove 56572
Norwood-Young America 55368
Nowthen 55330
Noyes 56740
Oak Grove 55011
Oak Island 56741
Oak Park 56357
Oak Park Heights 55082
Oakdale 55128
Oakland 56007
Oakport 56560
Odessa 56276
Odin 56160
Ogema 56569
Ogilvie 56358
Okabena 56161
Oklee 56742
Olga 56646
Olivia 56277
Onamia 56359
Oneota [Duluth nbhd]
Onigum 56484
Opole 56340
Opstead 56342
Org 56187
Orleans 56735
Ormsby 56162
Orono 55323
Orr 55771
Orrock 55309
Ortonville 56278
Osage 56570
Osakis 56360
Oshawa (Cass Co) 56435
Oshawa (Nicollet Co) 56082
Oslo 56744
Oslund 56680
Osseo 55369
Oster 55390
Ostrander 55961
Otisco 56093
Otisville 55073
Otsego 55330
Ottawa 56058
Otter Creek 55718
Ottertail 56571
Outing 56662
Owatonna 55060
Oxlip 55040
Oylen 56481
Padua 56378
Page (Mille Lacs Co) 56353
Page [Minneapolis nbhd]
Palisade 56469
Palmdale 55074
Palmers 55804
Palo 55705
Parent 56329
Park Point [Duluth nbhd] 55805
Park Rapids 56470
Parkdale 56537
Parkers Prairie 56361
Parkville 55768
Parkwood Knolls [Edina nbhd] 343
Payne 55765
Payne-Phalen [St. Paul nbhd]
Paynesville 56362
Peary 55738
Pease 56363
Pelan 56732
Pelican Rapids 56572
Pelland 56649
Pemberton 56078
Penasse 56711
Pencer 56751
Pengilly 55775
Pennington 56663
Pennock 56279
Pequot Lakes 56472
Perault 56750
Perham 56573
Perley 56574
Petersburg 56143
Peterson 55962
Petran 56043
Peyla 55790
Phelps 56586
Philbrook 56466
Phillips West [Minneapolis nbhd]
Pickwick 55987
Piedmont Heights [Duluth nbhd]
Pierz 56364
Pillager 56473
Pillsbury 56382
Pilot Grove 56027
Pine Bend 56557
Pine Brook 55371
Pine Center 56401
Pine City 55063
Pine Creek 55947
Pine Island 55963
Pine Lake
Pine Point 56575
Pine River 56474
Pine Springs 55115
Pinecreek (Roseau Co) 56751
Pinetop 56660
Pineville 55705
Pinewood 56676
Pipestone 56164
Pitt 56623
Plainview 55964
Plato 55370
Platte 56364
Pleasant Grove 55976
Pleasant Lake 56301
Pleasant Valley 55797
Plummer 56748
Plymouth 55447
Pomroy 56688
Ponemah 56666
Ponsford 56575
Pontoria 56435
Poplar 56474
Popple Creek 56379
Porter 56280
Potsdam 55932
Powderhorn Park [Minneapolis nbhd]
Pratt 55060
Predmore 55904
Presidents [Edina nbhd] 343
Preston 55965
Priam 56282
Princeton 55371
Prinsburg 56281
Prior Lake 55372
Proctor 55810
Prosit 55702
Prospect Park [Minneapolis nbhd]
Prosper 55954
Providence 56232
Puposky 56601
Quamba 55051
Quiring 56630
Racine 55967
Radium 56762
Ramey 56338
Ramsey 55303
Ramshaw 55751
Randall 56475
Randolph 55065
Ranier 56668
Ransom 56168
Rapidan 56001
Rassat 55390
Rauch 55771
Ray 56669
Raymond 56282
Reading 56165
Reads Landing 55968
Red Del
Red Lake 56671
Red Lake Falls 56750
Red Rock 55918
Red Wing 55066
Redby 56670
Redore [Hibbing nbhd] 55746
Redtop 56350
Redwood Falls 56283
Regal 56312
Regina [Minneapolis nbhd]
Remer 56672
Reno 55919
Renville 56284
Revere 56166
Rice 56367
Rice Lake 56621
Rice Lake (Wright Co) 55349
Riceford 55954
Richards 56501
Richdale 56567
Richfield 55423
Richmond 56368
Richville 56576
Richwood 56577
Ridgeway 55943
Rindal 56540
River Valley 56742
Riverland 56557
Riverside [Duluth nbhd]
Riverton 56455
Riverview [St. Paul nbhd] 55107
Robbin 58225
Robbinsdale 55422
Robinson 55731
Rochert 56578
Rochester 55904
Rock Creek 55067
Rock Dell 55920
Rockford 55373
Rockville 56369
Rogers 55374
Roland 56742
Rollag 56549
Rolling Green [Edina nbhd] 436
Rollingstone 55969
Rollins 55602
Ronald 55783
Ronneby 56329
Roosevelt 56673
Rosby 56601
Roscoe 56371
Roscoe (Goodhue Co) 55983
Rose City 56446
Rose Creek 55970
Roseau 56751
Roseland 56216
Rosemount 55068
Rosen 56212
Rosendale 56243
Roseville 55113
Rosewood 56701
Ross 56751
Rossburg 56431
Rost 56150
Rosy 56681
Rothsay 56579
Round Lake 56167
Round Prairie 56347
Rowena 56293
Roy Lake 56557
Royalton 56373
Ruby Junction 55746
Rush City 55069
Rush Point 55080
Rush River 56058
Rushford 55971
Rushford Village 55971
Rushmore 56168
Ruskin 55021
Russell 56169
Rustad 56560
Ruthton 56170
Rutledge 55795
Ryan 55027
Ryan Village 56626
Sabin 56580
Sacred Heart 56285
Saginaw 55779
Salem Corners 55920
Salida 55309
Salol 56756
Sanborn 56083
Sandstone 55072
Sandy Lake 55707
Santiago 55377
Saratoga 55972
Sargeant 55973
Sartell 56377
Sauk Centre 56378
Sauk Rapids 56379
Saum 56650
Savage 33378
Sawbill Landing 55607
Sawyer 55780
Sax 55738
Scandia 55073
Scanlon 55720
Schech's Mill 55974
Schley 56633
Schroeder 55613
Scotts Corner 55718
Scribner 56601
Seaforth 56287
Searles 56073
Sebeka 56477
Section Thirty 55731
Sedan 56334
Seward [Minneapolis nbhd]
Shafer 55074
Shakopee 55379
Shaw 55724
Sheldon 55921
Shelly 56581
Shephard 56401
Sherburn 56171
Sheridan [Minneapolis nbhd]
Sherman 55381
Shermans Corner 55703
Sheshebee 55760
Shevlin 56676
Shieldsville 55021
Shingle Creek [Minneapolis nbhd]
Shirley 56716
Shooks 56661
Shoreham 56501
Shoreview 55126
Shorewood 55331
Shotley 56650
Shovel Lake 55785
Side Lake 55781
Siegel 55082
Silica 55746
Silver Bay 55614
Silver Corners 56367
Silver Creek (Lake Co) 55616
Silver Creek (Wright Co) 55380
Silver Lake 55381
Silverdale 55771
Simar 55810
Simpson 55904
Sioux Valley 56150
Skibo 55750
Skime 56761
Skyline 56001
Slayton 56172
Sleepy Eye 56085
Smith Lake 55321
Smiths Mill 56048
Smithville [Duluth nbhd]
Snellman 56570
Snowball 56672
Sobieski 56345
Soderville 55304
Solway 56678
Soudan 55782
South Branch 56088
South Burnsville
South Haven 55382
South International Falls 56679
South Ridge 55943
South Rushford 55971
South Silver Lake 55381
South St. Paul 55075
South Troy 55906
South Uptown [Minneapolis nbhd]
Spencer Brook 55371
Spicer 56288
Spirit Valley [Duluth nbhd]
Spring Grove 55974
Spring Hill 56352
Spring Lake (Isanti Co) 55056
Spring Lake (Itasca Co) 56680
Spring Lake Park 55432
Spring Park 55384
Spring Valley 55975
Springfield 56087
Springvale 55008
Spruce Center 56354
Squaw Lake 56681
St. Anna 56310
St. Anthony 55418
St. Anthony East [Minneapolis nbhd]
St. Anthony Park [St. Paul nbhd]
St. Anthony West [Minneapolis nbhd]
St. Augusta 56301
St. Benedict 56071
St. Bonifacius 55375
St. Charles 55972
St. Clair 56080
St. Cloud 56301
St. Croix Beach
St. Francis 55070
St. George 56073
St. Hilaire 56754
St. James 56081
St. Joseph 56374
St. Leo 56291
St. Louis Park 55416
St. Martin 56376
St. Mary 56093
St. Marys Point 55043
St. Mathias 56449
St. Michael 55376
St. Nicholas 56368
St. Patrick 56071
St. Paul 55102
St. Paul Park 55071
St. Peter 56082
St. Rosa 56331
St. Stephen 56375
St. Vincent 56755
St. Wendel 56310
Stacy 55079
Stanchfield 55080
Stanchfield Corner 55080
Standish [Minneapolis nbhd]
Stanley 55008
Stanton 55018
Staples 56479
Starbuck 56381
Stark 55032
Steele Center 55060
Steen 56173
Stephen 56757
Steven's Square-Loring Heights [Minneapolis nbhd]
Stewart 55385
Stewart (Lake Co) 55616
Stewartville 55976
Stillwater 55082
Stockholm 55321
Stockton 55987
Storden 56174
Strandquist 56758
Strathcona 56759
Strout 55355
Sturgeon 55703
Sturgeon Lake 55783
Sullivan Lake
Summit 55917
Summit Hill [St. Paul nbhd]
Summit-University [St. Paul nbhd]
Sumner-Glenwood [Minneapolis nbhd]
Sumter 55336
Sunburg 56289
Sunfish Lake 55118
Sunnyslope [Edina nbhd] 424
Sunrise 55056
Suomi 56636
Svea 56216
Sveadahl 56081
Swan River (Itasca Co) 55784
Swanburg 56442
Swanville 56382
Swatara 55748
Swift 56763
Swift Falls 56215
Sylvan 56473
Syre 56584
Tabor 56762
Taconite 55709
Taconite Harbor 55613
Taft 55803
Talmoon 56637
Tamarack 55787
Tangletown [Minneapolis nbhd]
Tansem 56549
Taopi 55977
Taunton 56291
Taylors Falls 55084
Tenney 56583
Tenstrike 56683
Terrace 56334
Terrebonne 56750
The Lakes
Theilman 55945
Thief River Falls 56701
Thomas-Dale [St. Paul nbhd]
Thomson 55733
Thor 56431
Tintah 56565
Tobique 56672
Tofte 55615
Togo 55723
Toimi 55602
Toivola 55765
Tonka Bay 55331
Torfin 56761
Tower 55790
Tracy 56175
Trail 56684
Traverse 56082
Trimont 56176
Trommald 56441
Trosky 56177
Troy 55972
Truman 56088
Turtle Lake 56484
Turtle River 56601
Twig 55791
Twin Lakes 56089
Twin Valley 56584
Two Harbors 55616
Two Inlets 56470
Tyler 56178
Ulen 56585
Underwood 56586
Union 55917
Union Hill 56071
Union Park [St. Paul nbhd]
Upsala 56384
Uptown [Minneapolis nbhd]
Urbank 56361
Utica 55979
Vadnais Heights 55127
Vasa 55089
Vawter 56373
Ventura Village [Minneapolis nbhd]
Verdi 56164
Vergas 56587
Vermilion Dam 55771
Vermillion 55085
Verndale 56481
Vernon 55940
Vernon Center 66090
Veseli 55046
Vesta 56292
Victoria 55386
Victory [Minneapolis nbhd]
Viking 56760
Villard 56385
Vineland 56359
Vining 56588
Viola 55934
Virginia 55792
Wabasha 55981
Wabasso 56293
Wabedo 56755
Waconia 55387
Wacouta 55066
Wadena 56482
Wahkon 56386
Wahlsten 55732
Waite Park 56387
Waite Park [Minneapolis nbhd]
Wakemup 55723
Walbo 55008
Walcott 55021
Waldo 55616
Waldorf 56091
Wales 55616
Walker 56484
Wall Lake 56537
Walnut Grove 56180
Walters 56097
Waltham 55982
Wanamingo 55983
Wanda 56294
Wannaska 56761
Warba 55793
Ward Springs 56336
Warehouse District [Minneapolis nbhd] 55401
Warman 55051
Warren 56762
Warroad 56763
Warsaw 55087
Waseca 56093
Wasioja 55927
Waskish 56685
Wastedo 55009
Watab 56379
Waterford 55057
Watertown 55388
Waterville 56096
Watkins 55389
Watson 56295
Waubun 56589
Waukenabo 56469
Waukon 56545
Waverly 55390
Wawina 55736
Wayzata 55391
Wealthwood 56431
Weaver 55910
Webber-Camden [Minneapolis nbhd]
Weber 55056
Webster 55088
Wegdahl 56265
Welch 55089
Welcome 56181
Wells 56097
Weme 56634
Wendell 56590
Wenonah [Minneapolis nbhd]
Werner 56601
West Albany 55041
West Albion 55302
West Concord 55985
West Danbury
West Duluth 55807
West Newton 55945
West Point 55008
West Rock 55063
West Side [St. Paul nbhd] 55107
West St. Paul 55118
West Union 56389
West Virginia 55792
Westbrook 56183
Westbury 56501
Western 56537
Westport 56385
Whalan 55949
Wheatland 56069
Wheaton 56296
Wheelers Point 56623
Whipholt 56484
White Bear Lake 55110
White Earth 56591
White Oaks [Edina nbhd]
White Rock 55009
Whiteface 55724
Whitman 55959
Whittier [Minneapolis nbhd]
Wilbert 56121
Wilder 56101
Wildwood 56661
Wilkinson 56633
Willard-Hay [Minneapolis nbhd]
Willernie 55090
Williams 56686
Willington Grove 55974
Willmar 56201
Willow River 55795
Wilmington 55974
Wilmont 56185
Wilno 56142
Wilpen 55746
Wilton 56601
Wilton (Waseca Co) 56093
Windom 56101
Windom [Minneapolis nbhd]
Windom Park [Minneapolis nbhd]
Winger 56592
Winnebago 56098
Winnipeg Junction 56549
Winona 55987
Winsted 55395
Winthrop 55396
Winton 55796
Wirock 56141
Wirt 56688
Withrow 55082
Witoka 55987
Wolf 55751
Wolf Lake 56593
Wolford 56441
Wolverton 56594
Woman Lake
Wood Lake 56297
Woodbury 55125
Woodland 55391
Woodland (Kanabec Co) 56342
Woodland [Duluth nbhd] 55802
Woodland Park 56601
Woodrow 56401
Woodstock 56186
Worthington 56187
Wrenshall 55797
Wright 55798
Wrightstown 56537
Wyanett 55371
Wyattville 55952
Wykoff 55990
Wyoming 55092
Yankeetown 56211
York 55939
Young America (see Norwood-Young America)
Yucatan 55943
Zemple 56636
Zerkel 56621
Zim 55738
Zimmerman 55398
Zumbro Falls 55991
Zumbrota 55992