Community Area Maps
(includes cities, towns, villages, neighborhoods, unincorporated areas, military bases, more)

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(includes cities, towns, villages, neighborhoods, unincorporated areas, military bases, more)

Abesville 65754
Abo 65556
Academy [St. Louis nbhd]
Acasto 52626
Acorn Corner 63877
Acorn Ridge 63825
Adair 63533
Adonis 65613
Adrian 64720
Advance 63730
Affton 63123
Agency 64401
Agnes 65536
Aid 63841
Aikinsville 65034
Airport Drive
Akers 75501
Akron 64426
Alanthus Grove 64489
Alba 64830
Albany 64402
Albany (Ray Co) 64077
Albatross 65707
Alberta 64735
Aldrich 65601
Alexandria 63430
Alfalfa Center 63834
Alice 65689
All 65742
Allbright 63755
Allendale 64420
Allens Landing [Perryville nbhd] 63775
Allenton 63069
Allenville 63740
Alley Spring 65466
Alliance 63775
Allison 64486
Alma 64001
Almartha 65773
Alpha 64652
Alta Vista 64497
Altamont 64620
Altenburg 63732
Alton 65606
Altona 64725
Amazonia 64421
Americus 65069
Amity 64422
Amoret 64722
Amos 64778
Amsterdam 64723
Amy 65626
Anabel 63431
Anaconda 63077
Anderson 64831
Andover 64426
Angus 63954
Annada 63330
Annapolis 63620
Anniston 63820
Anson 52626
Anthonies Mill 65441
Antioch 63473
Antioch Acres [Kansas City nbhd]
Antonia 63052
Antrim 65704
Anutt 65401
Apache Flats 65109
Apex 63347
Apple Creek 63775
Appleton City 64724
Aptus 63664
Aquilla 63825
Arab 63782
Arbela 63432
Arbor 63730
Arbyrd 63821
Arcadia 63621
Archie 64725
Arcola 65603
Arden 65746
Ardeola 63730
Arditta 65775
Ardmore 65247
Argentville 63389
Argo 65453
Argola 63440
Argyle 65001
Arkoe 64468
Arley 64048
Arlington 65550
Armour Fields [Kansas City nbhd]
Armour Hills [Kansas City nbhd]
Armstrong 65230
Arnett 64856
Arno 65608
Arnold 63010
Arnsberg 63769
Aroma 64844
Arroll 65571
Arrow Point
Arrow Rock 65320
Arthur 64778
Asbury 65832
Ascalon [Maryland Heights nbhd] 63043
Ash 65263
Ash Grove 65604
Ash Hill 63940
Ashburn 63433
Asherville 63960
Ashland 65010
Ashley 63334
Ashley Creek 65560
Ashton 63453
Aspenhoff 63357
Astoria 65660
Athens 63465
Atherton 64058
Atlanta 63530
Atlas 64801
Atwell 65486
Auburn 63377
Aud 65024
Augusta 63332
Aullville 64037
Aurora 65605
Aurora Springs 65026
Auxvasse 65231
Ava 65608
Avalon Park 65803
Avenue City 64436
Avert 63825
Avery 65779
Avilla 64833
Avon 63670
Avondale 64117
Axtell 63552
Azen 63432
Babbtown 65058
Bachelor 65231
Bacon 65046
Baden [St. Louis nbhd]
Bagnell 65026
Bahner 65350
Bailey [Festus nbhd] 63028
Baker 63846
Bakersfield 65626
Baldwin Park 64080
Ballard 64788
Ballwin 63011
Bancroft 64642
Banner 63623
Bannister 65786
Bannister Acres [Kansas City nbhd]
Bardley 63935
Baring 63537
Barnard 64423
Barnesville (Macon Co) 63530
Barnett 65011
Barnhart 63012
Barry Harbour [Kansas City nbhd]
Bartlett 65588
Bates City 64011
Batesville 63932
Battlefield 65619
Bay 65041
Beacon Hill [Kansas City nbhd] 109
Beaman 65301
Bearcreek 65785
Beaufort 63013
Bedford 64643
Bel Ridge 63121
Bel-Nor 63121
Belfast 64850
Belgique 63775
Belgrade 63622
Bell City 63735
Bella Villa 63125
Bellamy 64784
Belle 65013
Belle Center 64801
Bellefontaine Neighbors 63137
Bellerive 63121
Belleview 63623
Bellflower 63333
Belton 64012
Bem 65066
Bendavis 65689
Bennett 63935
Bennett Springs 75536
Benton 63736
Benton City 65232
Benton Park [St. Louis nbhd]
Benton Park West [St. Louis nbhd]
Berger 63014
Berkeley 63134
Bern 65066
Bernie 63822
Berryman 63664
Bertrand 63823
Berwick 64866
Bessville 63751
Bethany 64424
Bethel (Shelby Co)
Bethel [Kansas City nbhd] 63434
Bethpage 64861
Beulah 65436
Beverly Hills 63121
Bevier 63532
Bevo Mill [St. Louis nbhd]
Bible Grove 63546
Bidwell 65536
Biehle 63775
Big Creek 65589
Big Lake 64437
Big Piney 65473
Big Shoal [Kansas City nbhd]
Big Springs 63363
Bigelow 64437
Billings 65610
Billingsville 65233
Billmore 65690
Birch Tree 65438
Birds Point 63834
Birmingham 64161
Bismarck 63624
Bissett [Springfield nbhd]
Bixby 65439
Black 63625
Black Jack 63033
Black Walnut 63301
Blackburn 65321
Blackwater 65322
Blackwell 63626
Blairstown 64726
Bland 65014
Blodgett 63824
Bloodland 65473
Bloomfield 63825
Bloomington 63532
Bloomsdale 63627
Blue Eye 65611
Blue Mound 64638
Blue Springs 64015
Blue Summit 64126
Blue Vue Hills [Kansas City nbhd]
Bluffton 65069
Blythedale 64426
Boaz 65631
Boekerton 63873
Bogard 64622
Bois D'Arc 65612
Bolckow 64427
Boles 63055
Bolivar 65613
Bolton 64642
Bona 65601
Bonne Terre 63628
Bonnots Mill 65016
Boonesboro 65250
Boonville 65233
Boschertown 63301
Boss 65440
Boston 64759
Bosworth 64623
Botanical Heights [St. Louis nbhd]
Boulder City 64850
Boulevard Heights [St. Louis nbhd]
Bourbon 65441
Bowen 65360
Bowling Green 63334
Boyd 65644
Boylers Mill 65078
Boynton 63556
Bradford Park [Springfield nbhd]
Bradleyville 65614
Bragg City 63827
Braggadocio 63826
Branch 65786
Brandsville 65688
Branson 65616
Branson West 65737
Brashear 63533
Braymer 64624
Brays 65486
Brazeau 63737
Brazito 65109
Breckenridge 64625
Breckenridge Hills 63114
Breen Hills [Kansas City nbhd]
Brentwood 63144
Brewer 63775
Briar 63931
Briarcliff West [Kansas City nbhd]
Bridgeport 65041
Bridgeton 63044
Bridgeton Terrace 63074
Bridlespur [Kansas City nbhd]
Brighton 65617
Brimson 64642
Brinktown 65443
Briscoe 63379
Brixey 65618
Bronaugh 64728
Brookfield 64628
Brookline Station 65619
Brooklyn Heights 64836
Broseley 63932
Brownbranch 65608
Brownfield 65556
Browning 64630
Brownington 64740
Browns Spring 65705
Brownwood 63738
Brumley 65017
Bruner 65620
Brunot 63636
Brunswick 65236
Brush Creek 65066
Brushy Knob 65608
Brussells 63347
Bryson 65332
Buchanan 63751
Buckhart [Macon nbhd] 63552
Buckhorn (Madison Co) 63655
Buckhorn (Pulaski Co) 75583
Bucklin 64631
Buckner 64016
Bucyrus 65444
Buell 63361
Buffalo 65622
Bull Creek Village 65616
Bull Run Camp 63901
Bunceton 65237
Bunker 63629
Bunker Hill (Howard Co) 65257
Bunker Hill (Stoddard Co) 63841
Burfordville 63739
Burgess 64769
Burke City 63135
Burlington Junction 64428
Burnham 65793
Burr 63942
Burton 65248
Bute 63556
Butler 64730
Butterfield 65623
Butts 65441
Bynumville 65281
Byrnes Mill 63049
Byron 65013
Cabool 65689
Cadet 63630
Cainsville 64632
Cairo 65239
Caledonia 63631
Calhoun 65323
Calico Farms [Kansas City nbhd]
California 65018
Callao 63534
Calumet 63336
Calverton Park 63135
Calwood 65251
Camden 64017
Camden Point 64018
Camdenton 65020
Cameron 64429
Camp Branch 65301
Camp Clark Army Heliport 64772
Campbell 63933
Campbellton 63068
Canaan 65066
Canalou 63828
Cannon Mines 63630
Canton 63435
Cap Au Gris 63389
Cape Fair 65624
Cape Girardeau 63703
Caplinger Mills 65607
Cappeln 63348
Cardwell 63829
Carie 63935
Carl Junction 64834
Carondelet [St. Louis nbhd] 63111
Carr Lane 65747
Carr Square [St. Louis nbhd]
Carrington 65251
Carrollton 64633
Carson 65775
Carsonville 63121
Carterville 64835
Carthage 64836
Caruth 63857
Caruthersville 63830
Carytown 64836
Cascade 63632
Case (Warren Co) 65041
Cassville 65625
Castle Point 63136
Castor Station 63645
Catawba 64624
Catawissa 63015
Catron 63833
Caulfield 65626
Cave Spring 65770
Cedar City 65101
Cedar Creek 65627
Cedar Gap 65704
Cedar Hill 63016
Cedar Hill Lakes 63016
Cedar Ridge 75590
Cedar Ridge [Joplin nbhd] 64804
Cedar Springs 64744
Cedron 65046
Celt 65764
Center 63436
Center City [Kansas City nbhd]
Centertown 65023
Centerview 64019
Centerville 63633
Central (Madison Co) 63645
Central City 64801
Central West End [St. Louis nbhd]
Centralia 65240
Chadwick 65629
Chaffee 63740
Chain Of Rocks 63369
Chain-O-Lakes 65641
Chambersburg 63445
Chamois 65024
Champ 63043
Champion 63867
Chandler 64060
Chapel (Howell Co) 65548
Chariton 63535
Charity 65644
Charlack 63114
Charleston 63834
Charmwood 63080
Chaumiere [Kansas City nbhd]
Cheltenham [St. Louis nbhd]
Cheney 65717
Cherokee Homestead Village 65613
Cherokee Pass 63645
Cherry Box 63451
Cherryville 65446
Chesapeake 65712
Chesterfield 63017
Chesterfield Village [Springfield nbhd] 65807
Chestnutridge 65630
Chicopee 63965
Chilhowee 64733
Chillicothe 64601
China 65775
Chitwood 63638
Chouteau Estates [Kansas City nbhd]
Chouteau Springs 65233
Christian Center 65721
Chula 64635
Cincinnati 63436
Cinnamon on the Hill [Springfield nbhd]
Cinnamon Square [Springfield nbhd]
Citadel [Kansas City nbhd]
Clapper 65283
Clara 65483
Clarence 63437
Clark 65243
Clarks Fork 65233
Clarksburg 65025
Clarksdale 64430
Clarkson Valley
Clarksville 63005
Clarkton 63837
Claycomo 64119
Claysville (Boone Co) 65039
Clayton 63105
Clayton-Tamm [St. Louis nbhd]
Clearmont 64431
Clearwater 63670
Cleavesville 65014
Cleopatra 64661
Cleveland 64734
Clever 65631
Clifton (Schuyler Co) 63561
Clifton City 65348
Clifton Heights [St. Louis nbhd]
Clifton Hill 65244
Climax Springs 65324
Clinton 64735
Cliquot 65640
Clover Bottom 63090
Clubb 63944
Clyde 64432
Coach Light [Springfield nbhd] 65802
Coachlight Square [Kansas City nbhd]
Coal 64735
Coatsville 63535
Cobalt 63645
Cockrell 64086
Cody 65742
Coffey 64636
Coffman 63670
Coldwater 63964
Cole Camp 65325
Coleman 64078
Coleman Highlands [Kansas City nbhd]
College Hill [St. Louis nbhd]
College Mound 65247
Collins 64738
Coloma 64622
Colonial Square [Kansas City nbhd]
Colony 63446
Columbia 65205
Columbus 64019
Columbus Square [St. Louis nbhd]
Comet 65646
Commerce 63742
Como 63833
Competition 65470
Compton Heights [St. Louis nbhd]
Conception 64433
Conception Junction 64434
Concord 63128
Concord (Pemiscot Co) 63851
Concord Hill 63357
Concordia 64020
Coney Island 65737
Connelsville 63559
Conran 63873
Converse 64465
Conway 65632
Cook Station 65449
Cookville 65552
Cool Valley 63121
Cooley Highlands [Kansas City nbhd]
Cooper Estates [Springfield nbhd] 65802
Cooper Hill 65051
Cooter 63839
Cora 63556
Corder 64021
Corning 64437
Cornwall 63645
Corona 65791
Corridon 63638
Corsicana 65734
Corso 63377
Corticelli 65074
Cosby 64436
Cottleville 63304
Cotton Plant 63855
Cottonwood Point 63830
Couch 65690
Country Club (Andrew Co)
Country Club District [Kansas City nbhd]
Country Club Hills 63136
Country Club Plaza [Kansas City nbhd]
Country Club Village 64505
Country Lane Estates [Kansas City nbhd]
Country Life Acres 63131
Countryside [Kansas City nbhd]
Courtois 75565
Cove 65730
Coves North [Kansas City nbhd]
Coves, The [Kansas City nbhd]
Cowgill 64637
Coy 64831
Craig 64437
Crane 65633
Creighton 64739
Crescent 63025
Crestwood 63126
Cretcher 65351
Creve Coeur 63141
Crider 65790
Crocker 65452
Cross Timbers 65326
Crossgates [Kansas City nbhd]
Crossroads 75535
Crosstown 63775
Crystal City 63019
Crystal Lake Park 63131
Crystal Lakes 64024
Cuba 65453
Cunningham (Chariton Co) 64681
Curryville 63339
Cyrene 63334
Dadeville 65635
Daisy 63743
Dalton 65246
Danby 63627
Danforth 63559
Danville 63361
Dardenne Prairie 63368
Darien 65560
Darksville 65259
Darlington 64438
Davidson [Kansas City nbhd]
Davis 63379
Davisville 65456
Dawn 64638
Dawson 65711
Dawsonville 64428
Dawt 65760
Dayton 64747
De Kalb 64440
De Soto 63020
De Witt 64639
Dearborn 64439
DeBaliviere Place [St. Louis nbhd]
Decaturville 65020
Deepwater 64740
Deer Park 65201
Deer Ridge 63447
Deerfield 64741
Deering 63840
Defiance 63341
Delaware 65466
Delbridge 63664
Dellwood 63136
Delta 63744
Denlow 65717
Dent 65542
Denton (Pemiscot Co) 63877
Denver 64441
Depew 65753
Dermott 65706
Des Arc 63636
Des Peres 63131
Deslet 63638
Desloge 63601
Detmold 63068
Deventer 63834
Devils Elbow 65457
Dexter 63841
Diamond 64840
Dickens 65759
Diehlstadt 63834
Diggins 65636
Dillard 65456
Dillon 65401
Dissen (Franklin Co) 63068
Dittmer 63023
Dixie 65063
Dixon 65459
Dockery 64085
Doe Run 63637
Dogtown [St. Louis nbhd]
Doling Park [Springfield nbhd]
Dongola 63730
Doniphan 63935
Doolittle 75550
Dora 65637
Dorena 63845
Doss 75560
Dover 64022
Downing 63536
Drake 65066
Dresden 65301
Drew 65536
Drexel 64742
Drum 63785
Drury 65638
Drynob 65536
Dublin 65672
Dudley 63936
Duenweg 64841
Dugginsville 65733
Duke 65461
Duncans Bridge 65263
Dundee 63090
Dunksburg 65351
Dunlap 64641
Dunn 65689
Dunnegan 65640
Duquesne 64801
Durham 63438
Dutchtown 63745
Dutchtown [St. Louis nbhd]
Dutzow 963342
Dykes 65444
Eagle Rock 65641
Eagleville 64442
Earth City 63045
Easley 65203
East Arcadia
East Atchison
East Campus [Columbia nbhd]
East Fort Scott
East Leavenworth 64079
East Lynne 64743
East Pittsburg
East Pleasanton
East Prairie 63845
East Swope Highlands [Kansas City nbhd]
Eastmorland [Joplin nbhd] 64801
Easton 64443
Eastville 65262
Eastwood 63965
Ebenezer 65803
Economy 63530
Ectonville 64068
Edgar Springs 65462
Edgehill 63625
Edgerton 64444
Edina 63537
Edinburg 64683
Edmundson 63134
Edwards 65326
El Dorado Springs 64744
Eldon 65026
Eldridge 65463
Elijah 65626
Elixer 65767
Elk Creek 65464
Elkhead 65753
Elkhorn 64084
Elkhurst 65201
Elkland 65644
Elkton 65650
Ellendale [St. Louis nbhd]
Ellington 63638
Ellis 64772
Ellis Prairie 65444
Ellisville 63011
Ellsinore 63937
Elmer 63538
Elmira 64062
Elmo 64445
Elmont 63080
Elmwood 65321
Elsberry 63343
Elsey 65656
Elston 65109
Elvins 63601
Elwood 65802
Ely 63461
Emden 63439
Emerald Beach 65658
Eminence 65466
Emma 65327
Englewood 65010
Enon (Moniteau Co) 65074
Enterprise (Linn Co) 64674
Eolia 63344
Ernestville 64020
Essex 63846
Esther 63601
Estill 65274
Ethel 63539
Ethlyn 63369
Etlah 63014
Etna 63474
Etterville 65026
Eudora 65601
Eugene 65032
Eunice 65468
Eureka 63025
Europa 63876
Evans 65717
Evansville 65270
Evening Shade 75552
Everett 64725
Everton 65646
Ewing 63440
Excello 65247
Excelsior Estates 64024
Excelsior Springs 64024
Exchange 63638
Exeter 65647
Fabius 63531
Fagus 63938
Fair Grove 65648
Fair Haven 64750
Fair Play 65649
Fairdealing 63945
Fairfax 64446
Fairground [St. Louis nbhd]
Fairlane [Kansas City nbhd]
Fairmont 63474
Fairport 64469
Fairview 64842
Falcon 65470
Famous 63379
Farber 63345
Farley 64028
Farmersville 64683
Farmington 63640
Farrar 63746
Faucett 64448
Fayette 65248
Fayetteville 64093
Fegley 63501
Femme Osage 63332
Fenton 63026
Ferguson 63135
Ferrelview 64163
Festus 63028
Fidelity 64836
Filley 64744
Fillmore 64449
Fisk 63940
Flat 75550
Flat River 63601
Flatwoods 63939
Fleming 64017
Flemington 65650
Fletcher 63030
Flint Hill 63346
Flordell Hills 63136
Florence 65329
Florida 65283
Florissant 63031
Foil 65755
Foley 63347
Folk 65085
Fordland 65652
Forest City 64451
Forest Green 65281
Forest Park Southeast [St. Louis nbhd]
Forest Springs 63447
Forgotten Homes [Kansas City nbhd]
Foristell 63348
Forsyth 65653
Fort Leonard Wood
Fortescue 64437
Fortuna 65034
Foster 64745
Fountain N' Lakes 63362
Fountain Park [St. Louis nbhd]
Four Seasons, Village of 65049
Fox Grape [Springfield nbhd]
Fox Park [St. Louis nbhd]
Foxtown East [Kansas City nbhd]
Foxwoods-Carriage Hills [Kansas City nbhd]
Frankclay 63601
Frankenstein 65016)
Frankford 63441
Franklin 65250
Franz Park [St. Louis nbhd]
Fredericksburg 65061
Fredericktown 63645
Freeburg 65035
Freedom 65051
Freeman 64746
Freistatt 65654
Fremont 63941
Fremont Hills 65714
French Village 63036
Friedenswald 65020
Friedheim 63747
Frisbee 63852
Frisco 63846
Fristoe 65355
Frohna 63748
Frontenac 63131
Fruitland 63755
Fruitville 65775
Fulkerson 64061
Fulton 65251
Gads Hill 63675
Gainesville 65755
Gaither 65712
Galena 65656
Gallatin 64640
Galmey 65668
Galt 64641
Gamma 63333
Garber 65616
Garden City 64747
Garfield 65690
Garland 64735
Garrison 65657
Garwood 63965
Gasconade 65036
Gascozark 75556
Gashland [Kansas City nbhd]
Gate District [St. Louis nbhd]
Gatewood 63942
Gaynor 64486
Gentry 64453
Gentryville (Douglas Co) 65638
Gentryville (Gentry Co) 64402
Georgetown 65301
Gerald 63037
Gerster 64776
Gibbs 63540
Gibson (Dunklin Co) 63847
Gibson (Pemiscot Co) 63877
Gideon 63848
Gilliam 65330
Gilman City 64642
Gilmore 63385
Ginger Blue 64854
Ginlet 65201
Gipsy 63750
Gladden 75560
Gladstone 64118
Glasgow 65254
Glasgow Village 63137
Glen Echo Park 63121
Glenaire 64068
Glenallen 63751
Glencoe 63038
Glendale 63122
Glenhaven [Kansas City nbhd]
Glennon 63730
Glennonville 63933
Glensted 65084
Glenwood 63541
Glover 63620
Gobler 63849
Golden 65658
Golden City 64748
Goldsberry 63539
Goodland (Iron Co) 63623
Goodman 64843
Goodson 65663
Gordonville 63752
Gorin 63543
Goss 65275
Gower 64454
Gracemor-Randolph Corners [Kansas City nbhd]
Graff 65660
Graham 64455
Grain Valley 64029
Granby 64844
Grand Pass 65339
Grandin 63943
Grandview 64030
Granger 63432
Grant Beach [Springfield nbhd]
Grant City 64456
Grantsville 64674
Grantwood Village 63123
Granville 63468
Grassy 63755
Gravelton 63755
Gravois Mills 65037
Gravois Park [St. Louis nbhd]
Gray Summit 63039
Grayhawk 63670
Grayridge 63850)
Grays Point 65707
Graysville 63535
Greater Ville [St. Louis nbhd]
Greeley 63629
Green Bay Terrace 65079
Green Castle 63544
Green City 63545
Green Forest 63901
Green Park 63123
Green Ridge 65332
Greenbrier 63782
Greendale 63121
Greenfield 65661
Greenlawn 63462
Greensburg 63531
Greenton 64076
Greentop 63546
Greenview 65020
Greenville 63944
Greenwood 64034
Gregg [Joplin nbhd] 64804
Gregory Landing 63435
Gretna 65616
Grimmet 65789
Grisham 63755
Grogan 65464
Grover 63040
Grovespring 65662
Grubville 63041
Guam 63846
Guilford 64457
Gumbo 63005
Gunn City 64747
Guthrie 65063
Hadley 63957
Hagars Grove 63437
Hahn 63764
Hale 64643
Half Rock 64679
Halfway 65663
Hallsville 65255
Halltown 65664
Hamilton 64644
Hamilton Heights [St. Louis nbhd]
Hamilton Town 63637
Hammack 63558
Hammond 65762
Hampton 64153
Hams Prairie 65059
Hancock 65452
Handley 64790
Handy 63935
Hanley Hills 63133
Hannibal 63401
Hannon 64762
Hanover Place [Kansas City nbhd]
Hardenville 65666
Hardin 64035
Harg 65201
Harlem [Kansas City nbhd]
Harris 64645
Harrisburg 65256
Harrisonville 64701
Hart (McDonald Co) 64865
Hartsburg 65039
Hartshorn 65479
Hartville 65667
Hartwell 64788
Harvester 63303
Harviell 63945
Harwood 64750
Hassard 63456
Hastain 65326
Hatch 63456
Hatfield 64458
Hatton 65231
Hawk Point 63349
Hayden 65459
Hayti 63851
Hayti Heights 63851
Hayward 63873
Haywood City 63771
Hazelgreen 75556
Hazelwood 63042
Heart of the Westside [Springfield nbhd]
Heatonville 65707
Hebron 63469
Helena 64459
Hematite 63047
Hemker 63072
Hemple 64490
Hendrickson 63967
Henley 65040
Henrietta 64036
Henson 63834
Herculaneum 63048
Hereford 65231
Hermann 65041
Hermitage 65668
Hermondale 63877
Herndon 65351
Hi-Pointe [St. Louis nbhd]
Hickman Mills [Kansas City nbhd] 137
Hickman Mills South [Kansas City nbhd]
Hickory Hill 65040
Hidden Valley [Kansas City nbhd]
Higbee 65257
Higdon 63645
Higginsville 64037
High Gate 75559
High Hill 63350
High Point 65074
High Prairie 65706
High Ridge 63049
Highland 63775
Highlandville 65669
Highview Estates [Kansas City nbhd]
Hilda 65680
Hiler 64016
Hill Haven [Kansas City nbhd]
Hill, The [St. Louis nbhd]
Hillcrest [Kansas City nbhd]
Hillsboro 63050
Hillsdale 63121
Hinch 65441
Hinton 65202
Hiram 63951
Hoberg 65712
Hocomo 65777
Hodge 64096
Hoene Spring 63025
Hogan 63650
Holcomb 63852
Holden 64040
Holiday Hills [Kansas City nbhd]
Holland 63853
Holliday 65258
Hollister 65672
Holly Hills [St. Louis nbhd]
Hollywood 63821
Holman 65757
Holmes Park [Kansas City nbhd]
Holstein 63357
Holt 64048
Holts Summit 65043
Homestead 64024
Homestown 63879
Honey Creek 65101
Hooker 75550
Hopewell (Warren Co) 63357
Hopewell (Washington Co) 63660
Hopkins 64461
Horine 63070
Hornersville 63855
Hornet 64804
Horton (Vernon Co) 64778
House Creek 63965
House Springs 63051
Houston 65483
Houston Lake 64151
Houstonia 65333
Howards Ridge 65755
Howardville 63869
Howell 63304
Hudson 64770
Huggins 65484
Hughesville 65334
Hugo 65020
Humansville 65674
Hume 64752
Humphreys 64646
Hunnewell 63443
Hunter 63943
Huntington 63401
Huntleigh 63131
Huntsdale 65203
Huntsville 65259
Hurdland 63547
Hurley 65675
Huron 65613
Hurricane Deck 65020
Hutton Valley 65548
Huzzah 75565
Hyde Park [Kansas City nbhd]
Hyde Park [St. Louis nbhd]
Iantha 64759
Iatan 64098
Iberia 65486
Iconium 64776
Idalia 63825
Ilasco 63401
Illmo 63780
Imperial 63052
Independence 64050
Independence Plaza [Kansas City nbhd]
Indian Creek 63456
Indian Grove 65236
Indian Point 65616
Ink 65466
Innsbrook 63390
Ionia 65335
Ira 65463
Iron Gates [Joplin nbhd] 64804
Iron Mountain 63650
Iron Mountain Lake 63624
Irondale 63648
Ironton 63650
Irwin 64759
Isabella 65676
Isadora 64456
Ives 63936
Jackson 63755
Jacksonville 65260
Jadwin 75501
Jameson 64647
Jamesport 64648
Jamestown 65046
Jane 64856
Japan 63080
Jasper 64755
Jeddo 63447
Jeff 65791
Jefferson City 65101
Jefferson Highlands [Kansas City nbhd]
JeffVanderlou [St. Louis nbhd]
Jenkins 65605
Jennings 63136
Jerico Springs 64756
Jerome 75529
Jewett 63636
Jobe 65690
Jonesburg 63351
Joplin 64801
Jordan 65634
Josephville 63385
Joy 65560
Judge 65051
Junction City 63645
Kahoka 63445
Kaiser 65047
Kampville 63301
Kampville Beach 63301
Kampville Court 63301
Kansas City 64106
Kansas City International Airport [Kansas City nbhd]
Kaseyville 63534
Katy 64741
Kay Pointe [Springfield nbhd] 65802
Kearney 64060
Kellogg 63552
Kelso 63758
Keltner 65720
Kendricktown 64836
Kennett 63857
Kenoma 64759
Kenwood 63547
Keota 63532
Kewanee 63860
Keytesville 65261
Kidder 64649
Kimberling City 65686
Kimberly 65270
Kimble 75542
Kimmswick 63053
Kinder 63960
King City 64463
Kingdom City 65262
Kings Oak [St. Louis nbhd]
Kingston 64650
Kingsville 64061
Kingsway East [St. Louis nbhd]
Kingsway West [St. Louis nbhd]
Kinloch 63134
Kirbyville 65679
Kirkside [Kansas City nbhd]
Kirksville 63501
Kirkwood 63122
Kissee Mills 65680
Kliever 65018
Knob Lick 63651
Knob Noster 65336
Knobtown [Kansas City nbhd]
Knox City 63446
Knoxville 64084
Koeltztown 65048
Koenig 65013
Kohl City 63014
Kosciusko [St. Louis nbhd]
Koshkonong 65692
La Belle 63447
La Grange 63448
La Monte 65337
La Plata 63549
La Russell 64848
La Tour 64040
Labadie 63055
Labarque Creek 63069
Laclede 64651
Laddonia 63352
Ladue 63124
Lafayette Square [St. Louis nbhd]
Laflin 63785
Laguna Beach 65065
Lake Annette 64746
Lake Forest Estates
Lake Lafayette 64076
Lake Lotawana 64086
Lake Mykee Town 65043
Lake Ozark 65049
Lake Sherwood 63357
Lake Spring 75532
Lake St. Louis 63367
Lake Tapawingo 64015
Lake Tekakwitha 63069
Lake Viking 64640
Lake Waukomis 64151
Lake Winnebago 64034
Lakeland 63437
Lakenan 63468
Lakeshire 63123
Lakeside (Jasper Co) 64801
Lakeside (Miller Co) 65049
Lakeview 64035
Lakeview Heights 65338
Lakeview Terrace [Kansas City nbhd]
Lakewood Village [Springfield nbhd] 65810
Lamar 64759
Lamar Heights 64759
Lambert 63736
Lamine 65233
Lampe 65681
Lanagan 64847
Lancaster 63548
Lance 63645
Lanes Prairie 65013
Langdon 64446
Lanton 65775
Laquey 75534
Laredo 64652
LaSalle Park [St. Louis nbhd]
Latham 65050
Lathrop 64465
Latour 64040
Latty 63664
Laura 63435
Laurie 65038
Lawrenceburg 65646
Lawson 64062
Lea Manor [Kansas City nbhd]
Leadington 63601
Leadwood 63653
Leann 65605
Leasburg 75535
Leawood 64804
Lebanon 75536
Lecoma 65401
Leemon 63755
Leeper 63952
Lees Summit 64063
Leesville 64735
Leeton 64761
Leisure Lake 64683
Lemay 63125
Lemons 63565
Lenox 75541
Lentner 63450
Leonard 63451
Leopold 63760
Leora 63960
Leslie 63056
Lesterville 63654
Levasy 64066
Leverton 64674
Lewis 65323
Lewis and Clark Village 64484
Lewis Heights [Kansas City nbhd]
Lewis Place [St. Louis nbhd]
Lewistown 63452
Lexington 64067
Liberal 64762
Liberty 64068
Libertyville 63640
Licking 75542
Liguori 63052
Lilbourn 63862
Lilly 64477
Lincoln 65338
Lindbergh 65202
Linden (Christian Co) 65742
Linden Park [Kansas City nbhd]
Lindenwood Park [St. Louis nbhd]
Line Creek-Northern Heights [Kansas City nbhd]
Lingo 64631
Linn 65051
Linn Creek 65052
Linneus 64653
Lisbon 65254
Lithium 63775
Livonia 63551
Lixville 63775
Loch Lloyd 64012
Lock Springs 64654
Lockwood 65682
Locust Hill 63549
Lodge 63655
Lodi 63950
Logan (Lawrence Co) 65705
Lohman 65053
Loma Linda 64804
Loma Vista [Kansas City nbhd]
Lone Elm (Cooper Co) 65237
Lone Jack 64086
Lone Star 63833
Lone Tree 64701
Lonedell 63060
Long Lane 75590
Longrun 65761
Longtown 63775
Longview 64081
Longwood 65334
Loose Creek 65054
Loughboro 63601
Louisburg 65685
Louisiana 63353
Louisville (Lincoln Co)
Low Ground 63559
Low Wassie 65588
Lowell 64688
Lowndes 63951
Lowry City 64763
Lucas 64788
Lucerne 64755
Ludlow 64656
Ludwig [Festus nbhd] 63028
Luebbering 63061
Lundy 65483
Lupus 65046
Luray 63453
Lutesville 63764
Lutie 65761
Luystown 65016
Lykins [Kansas City nbhd]
Lynchburg 75543
Lyon 63068
Lyons [Potosi nbhd] 63664

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