The Directory of Karaoke Songs

Karaoke Songs By
Guess Who

Guess Who Albert Flasher 71 SKG-004
Guess Who American Woman 70 AHT-2014
Guess Who American Woman 70 AHT-MAXXPACK
Guess Who American Woman 70 BLB-1974
Guess Who American Woman 70 BLB-4421
Guess Who American Woman 70 BLB-4431
Guess Who American Woman 70 CB-5012
Guess Who American Woman 70 CB-5015
Guess Who American Woman 70 CB-80052
Guess Who American Woman 70 cb-8517
Guess Who American Woman 70 CB-ESS01
Guess Who American Woman 70 DK-04
Guess Who American Woman 70 DK-ENC2004
Guess Who American Woman 70 FSK-1-07
Guess Who American Woman 70 HSP-1-12
Guess Who American Woman 70 HST-PK3
Guess Who American Woman 70 IMK-002
Guess Who American Woman 70 KPM-52093
Guess Who American Woman 70 KPP-PPK3
Guess Who American Woman 70 LG-232
Guess Who American Woman 70 MM-6113
Guess Who American Woman 70 MM-CPK2000
Guess Who American Woman 70 MON-1011
Guess Who American Woman 70 PIO-015
Guess Who American Woman 70 PTY-1974
Guess Who American Woman 70 PTY-4421
Guess Who American Woman 70 PTY-4431
Guess Who American Woman 70 SC-7517
Guess Who American Woman 70 SFC-26
Guess Who American Woman 70 SGB-039
Guess Who American Woman 70 UBS-G033
Guess Who American Woman (w/intro) 70 SKG-004
Guess Who Bus Rider 70 SKG-003
Guess Who Clap For The Wolfman 74 AMS-1506
Guess Who Clap For The Wolfman 74 SKG-004
Guess Who Dancin Fool 74 SKG-004
Guess Who Follow Your Daughter Home 73 SKG-004
Guess Who Glamour Boy 73 SKG-004
Guess Who Hand Me Down World 70 SC-8539
Guess Who Hand Me Down World 70 SKG-003
Guess Who Laughing 69 DK-98
Guess Who Laughing 69 DK-A3045
Guess Who Laughing 69 SC-8190
Guess Who Laughing 69 SC-8513
Guess Who Laughing 69 SKG-003
Guess Who Life In The Bloodstream 71 SKG-004
Guess Who No Sugar Tonight 70 SC-7562-Brick 4
Guess Who No Sugar Tonight / New Mother Nature 70 SKG-003
Guess Who No Time 69 DK-97
Guess Who No Time 69 DK-ENC2025
Guess Who No Time 69 LG-232
Guess Who No Time 69 MM-6201
Guess Who No Time 69 MON-1062
Guess Who No Time 69 SC-8053VP
Guess Who No Time 69 SC-8575
Guess Who No Time 69 SKG-003
Guess Who Orly 73 SKG-004
Guess Who Rain Dance 71 SKG-004
Guess Who Runnin Back To Saskatoon 72 SKG-003
Guess Who Shakin All Over 65 SC-7566-Brick 5
Guess Who Shakin All Over 65 SC-BRKT5RK
Guess Who Share The Land 70 LG-232
Guess Who Share The Land 70 SC-8577
Guess Who Share The Land 70 SKG-003
Guess Who Sour Suite 71 SKG-003
Guess Who Star Baby 74 SKG-004
Guess Who These Eyes 69 AHT-8011
Guess Who These Eyes 69 LG-232
Guess Who These Eyes 69 MGH-004
Guess Who These Eyes 69 MM-6149
Guess Who These Eyes 69 PR-1226
Guess Who These Eyes 69 PR-LC01
Guess Who These Eyes 69 SC-8441
Guess Who These Eyes 69 SKG-003
Guess Who Undun 69 DK-99
Guess Who Undun 69 DK-ENC2034
Guess Who Undun 69 LG-232
Guess Who Undun 69 SC-8563
Guess Who Wednesday In Your Garden 69 SKG-003

Welcome to The Directory of Karaoke Songs. A lot of effort has been put into this project. It contains hundreds of thousands of English song tracks in the CD+G format.

The songs are listed in alphabetical order by artist. When there is more than one artist, the song is listed under the primary artist (the one that appears first).

Each listing gives the artist's name(s), the title of the song, the year of release (as available) and the identity of the karaoke disk it appears on. The year will help you determine if the songs is the one you are looking for. If the year is not shown we do not have that information at this time.

Please note that there will be times when the information available to use contains errors. This is the nature of the karaoke industry in general. Many manufacturers take very little time to get it right as far as identification and spelling is concerned. We have spent a major amount of time verifying many of the song titles and artists from (hopefully) more reliable information. Changes are made as needed.

Once you find a song you want and a manufacturer ID it is on, be absolutely SURE the song(s) are actually on the disk before you purchase it. Also be aware, in some cases, the manufacturer has re-issued karaoke disks with the same identifying number but has replaced some songs with others. We know of some of these but others are not readily apparant. Most re-issued disks ends with the letter R or the letter V followed by a number (such as v2).

Copyright Rocklin Associates.