The Directory of Karaoke Songs

Karaoke Songs By
Rascals / Young Rascals

Rascals Beautiful Morning 68 DK-98
Rascals Beautiful Morning 68 DK-A3075
Rascals Beautiful Morning 68 LG-063
Rascals Beautiful Morning 68 PR-1255
Rascals Beautiful Morning 68 PR-LC07
Rascals Beautiful Morning 68 PR-LP125
Rascals Beautiful Morning 68 PR-SAMPK2
Rascals Beautiful Morning 68 PR-SAMPK3
Rascals Beautiful Morning 68 PR-SAMPK4
Rascals Beautiful Morning 68 SC-8218
Rascals Beautiful Morning 68 THM-FB12
Rascals People Got To Be Free 68 CB-5092
Rascals People Got To Be Free 68 CB-80050
Rascals People Got To Be Free 68 cb-8517
Rascals People Got To Be Free 68 CB-ESS02
Rascals People Got To Be Free 68 DK-97
Rascals People Got To Be Free 68 DK-ENC2025
Rascals People Got To Be Free 68 HSP-6-27
Rascals People Got To Be Free 68 LG-063
Rascals People Got To Be Free 68 MON-1108
Rascals People Got To Be Free 68 NSC-9903
Rascals People Got To Be Free 68 PIO-015
Rascals People Got To Be Free 68 SC-8679
Rascals People Got To Be Free 68 SC-9903
Rascals People Got To Be Free 68 SFC-14

Welcome to The Directory of Karaoke Songs. A lot of effort has been put into this project. It contains hundreds of thousands of English song tracks in the CD+G format.

The songs are listed in alphabetical order by artist. When there is more than one artist, the song is listed under the primary artist (the one that appears first).

Each listing gives the artist's name(s), the title of the song, the year of release (as available) and the identity of the karaoke disk it appears on. The year will help you determine if the songs is the one you are looking for. If the year is not shown we do not have that information at this time.

Please note that there will be times when the information available to use contains errors. This is the nature of the karaoke industry in general. Many manufacturers take very little time to get it right as far as identification and spelling is concerned. We have spent a major amount of time verifying many of the song titles and artists from (hopefully) more reliable information. Changes are made as needed.

Once you find a song you want and a manufacturer ID it is on, be absolutely SURE the song(s) are actually on the disk before you purchase it. Also be aware, in some cases, the manufacturer has re-issued karaoke disks with the same identifying number but has replaced some songs with others. We know of some of these but others are not readily apparant. Most re-issued disks ends with the letter R or the letter V followed by a number (such as v2).

Copyright Rocklin Associates.