The Directory of Karaoke Songs

Karaoke Songs By

Travis 3 Miles High 16 SF-362
Travis Scott Antidote 15 MRE-H137
Travis Closer 07 EAS-E08
Travis Closer 07 EAS-H063
Travis Closer 07 SF-255
Travis Closer 07 THM-P0707
Travis Coming Around 00 EAS-A02
Travis Coming Around 00 EKC-110
Travis Coming Around 08 ESS-EKP-6
Travis Coming Around 00 ess-fik10
Travis Coming Around 00 SF-167
Travis Coming Around 00 SF-G005
Travis Coming Around 00 SF-PL11
Travis Driftwood 00 EAS-A02
Travis Driftwood 00 EKC-117
Travis Driftwood 00 SF-G005
Travis Driftwood 00 SF-MW802
Travis Fear 00 EAS-A02
Travis Fear 00 EKC-113
Travis Flowers In The Window 01 EAS-H009
Travis Flowers In The Window 01 EAS-PS16
Travis Flowers In The Window 01 MRE-E43
Travis Flowers In The Window 01 SC-1720
Travis Flowers In The Window 01 SF-181
Travis Flowers In The Window 01 SF-190
Travis Flowers In The Window 01 SF-G005
Travis Follow The Light 01 EAS-A02
Travis Follow The Light 01 EKC-105
Travis Scott Highest In The Room 19 MRE-MCH19-WI-1
Travis Pipe Dreams 01 EAS-A03
Travis Pipe Dreams 01 EKC-112
Travis Re-Offender 03 EAS-H027
Travis Re-Offender 03 EAS-PS53
Travis Re-Offender 03 MFC-KK024
Travis Re-Offender 03 SF-209
Travis Re-Offender 03 SF-PL11
Travis Side 01 EAS-A03
Travis Side 01 EKC-130
Travis Side 01 NST-2026
Travis Side 01 SDS-P4203
Travis Side 01 SF-183
Travis Side 01 SF-G005
Travis Side 01 TT-080
Travis Sing 01 EAS-A02
Travis Sing 01 EKC-089
Travis Sing 01 ESS-TT40
Travis Sing 01 HMS-HSW008
Travis Sing 01 MFC-KK008
Travis Sing 01 SC-1720
Travis Sing 01 SF-179
Travis Sing 01 SF-G005
Travis Sing 01 SF-PL11
Travis Sing 01 SF-TP201
Travis Sing 01 STW-1090
Travis Sing 01 STW-1095
Travis Sing 01 STW-1114
Travis Sing 01 STW-1133
Travis Sing 01 STW-3031
Travis Tied To The 90's 97 EAS-A02
Travis Tied To The 90's 97 EKC-112
Travis Tied To The 90's 97 SF-MW842
Travis Turn 00 EAS-A03
Travis Turn 00 EKC-133
Travis Turn 00 SC-1720
Travis Turn 00 SF-154
Travis Turn 00 SF-G005
Travis Turn 00 SF-PL11
Travis U16 Girls 97 EAS-A03
Travis U16 Girls 97 EKC-104
Travis Walking In The Sun 04 EAS-H039
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 DMG-100070
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 EAK-TNPK
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 EAS-A03
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 EKC-106
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 ESS-EKP-6
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 ess-fik06
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 ESS-TNPK
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 ESZ-TPK
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 LG-BL32
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 LG-TP
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 MFC-CK061
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 MFC-KK001
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 MFC-KK2000
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 MFC-UKH2000
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 MRE-E43
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 SC-1720
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 SC-1739
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 SC-3204
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 SC-8622
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 SF-146
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 SF-G005
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 SF-G017
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 SF-HH02
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 SF-PL11
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 STW-NY07
Travis Why Does It Always Rain On Me 00 THM-R0009
Travis Willing To Reach You 00 ESS-EKP-6
Travis Writing To Reach You 00 EAS-A03
Travis Writing To Reach You 00 EKC-111
Travis Writing To Reach You 00 ess-fik10
Travis Writing To Reach You 00 SF-136
Travis Writing To Reach You 00 SF-G005
Travis Writing To Reach You 00 SF-TP106

Welcome to The Directory of Karaoke Songs. A lot of effort has been put into this project. It contains hundreds of thousands of English song tracks in the CD+G format.

The songs are listed in alphabetical order by artist. When there is more than one artist, the song is listed under the primary artist (the one that appears first).

Each listing gives the artist's name(s), the title of the song, the year of release (as available) and the identity of the karaoke disk it appears on. The year will help you determine if the songs is the one you are looking for. If the year is not shown we do not have that information at this time.

Please note that there will be times when the information available to use contains errors. This is the nature of the karaoke industry in general. Many manufacturers take very little time to get it right as far as identification and spelling is concerned. We have spent a major amount of time verifying many of the song titles and artists from (hopefully) more reliable information. Changes are made as needed.

Once you find a song you want and a manufacturer ID it is on, be absolutely SURE the song(s) are actually on the disk before you purchase it. Also be aware, in some cases, the manufacturer has re-issued karaoke disks with the same identifying number but has replaced some songs with others. We know of some of these but others are not readily apparant. Most re-issued disks ends with the letter R or the letter V followed by a number (such as v2).

Copyright Rocklin Associates.