telephone number / prefix in any area code.
Search in Area Code 621
This is a directory of U.S./Canada/Caribbean telephone prefixes and their
geographical locations. Each area code has its own search page.
This area code /prefix location search service
is compiled from available information. If you know of a prefix we do not
have or you spot an error, let us know but don't get upset about it.
We do the best we can.
This prefix list is updated on a regular basis.
Caveat: Although we have done our best to provide accurate information,
errors can and will creep in. We will correct any and all errors that we find
or are brought to our attention at the next update.
You can only look up ONE area code/prefix at a time and only by typing in
a three number prefix. Typing in anything else will just give you an
"error message" as the program will not be able to find anything but ONE
prefix in this specific area code.